ARM BAR (FROM FLOWER SWEEP SET UP): Bully Sweep Armbar 1.3gp Read more about ARM BAR (FROM FLOWER SWEEP SET UP): Bully Sweep Armbar 1.3gp Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
TRIANGLE CHOKE (FROM FLOWER SWEEP ATTEMPT): Bully Sweep Triangle 2.3gp Read more about TRIANGLE CHOKE (FROM FLOWER SWEEP ATTEMPT): Bully Sweep Triangle 2.3gp Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
TRICEP CLOTH GRIP - ARM BAR: Raspagem da guarda fechada atacando o braço Read more about TRICEP CLOTH GRIP - ARM BAR: Raspagem da guarda fechada atacando o braço Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
TRIANGLE CHOKE (FROM POWER FLOWER SWEEP SET UP): Jason Scully - BJJ Foot on Hip Tilt Read more about TRIANGLE CHOKE (FROM POWER FLOWER SWEEP SET UP): Jason Scully - BJJ Foot on Hip Tilt Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
ARM BAR (ARM DRAG AND TRAP): Variação do arm-lock na guarda Read more about ARM BAR (ARM DRAG AND TRAP): Variação do arm-lock na guarda Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
ROLLING ARM BAR (BRIDGE): BJJ closed guard attacks - off balancing to armbar and triangle Read more about ROLLING ARM BAR (BRIDGE): BJJ closed guard attacks - off balancing to armbar and triangle Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
ARM BAR / BELLY-DOWN ARM BAR / OMOPLATA (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): Raspagem Bailarina e variações. Read more about ARM BAR / BELLY-DOWN ARM BAR / OMOPLATA (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): Raspagem Bailarina e variações. Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
ARM BAR (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): Armbar Submission off of Pendulum Sweep Attempt - BJJ Read more about ARM BAR (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): Armbar Submission off of Pendulum Sweep Attempt - BJJ Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
TRIANGLE CHOKE (FROM FLOWER SWEEP SET UP): Braulio Estima teaches a triangle Read more about TRIANGLE CHOKE (FROM FLOWER SWEEP SET UP): Braulio Estima teaches a triangle Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
ARM BAR (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): BJJ Instruction: Under-Hook Sweep to Armbar 01 Read more about ARM BAR (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): BJJ Instruction: Under-Hook Sweep to Armbar 01 Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
ARM BAR (PENDULUM STYLE): Arm bar from sweep Read more about ARM BAR (PENDULUM STYLE): Arm bar from sweep Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions
ARM BAR (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): Pendulum Sweep and Armbar (Double Attack) - BJJ Technique of Month - Wake Forest, NC Read more about ARM BAR (FROM PENDULUM SWEEP SET UP): Pendulum Sweep and Armbar (Double Attack) - BJJ Technique of Month - Wake Forest, NC Guards - Closed Guard - Bottom Dominant (Sleeve Control) - Same Side Sleeve - Bottom - Submissions